Week 2's Challenge - Cold Shower Therapy

So a new challenge for some of you, for others you are pro’s now probably! If you are really into this now having started it after the last programme, or you’ve already been doing it, do please post on the WhatsApp group to encourage anyone who is new to it.

Firstly, who is Wim Hoff? Nicknamed ‘The Iceman’, the Dutchman has broken 21 World Records relating to cold exposure such as running a half marathon above the Arctic Circle barefoot and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in shorts! He has made it his mission to share what he’s learned with the rest of the world as he says, ‘what I am capable of, everyone can learn’. With his experience using “cold, hard nature” as his teacher, ‘his extensive training has enabled him to learn to control his breathing, heart rate, and blood circulation and to withstand extreme temperatures’

His website (below) is really informative so do take a look at it to understand it more fully. Here are some of the benefits of this practice:

  • Increased energy

  • Better sleep

  • Reduced stress levels

  • Heightened focus & determination

  • Increased willpower

  • Stronger immune system

So as you know I’m pro doing your workout and cold shower in the morning, you maybe different, but here is an excerpt from https:www.wimhoffmethod.com  about having Cold Showers in the Morning.

As a general rule of thumb, Wim recommends taking your cold shower in the morning. Why so?

Seeing as the benefits of cold showers include improved alertness and energy, it makes sense to capitalize on these relatively soon after waking.

You should come out of the shower feeling refreshed yet calm, which is a healthy emotional state to carry with you through the day.

What’s more, having a cold shower in the morning rather than in the evening may make it simpler to build the habit.

Although you’ll experience less inner resistance to the cold over time, many people find that it does demand willpower at the start.

And as you’ll know with habit-building, the longer you put something off to later in the day, the harder it is to do!

Therefore, completing your breathing practice and cold shower in the morning hours is often the best way forward.

So do please have a go, try it and see, check in with your breath and try to relax and breathe slowly and calmly, see if you can extend the time under the water for a bit longer each day. 

And let me know how you get on!