Dry Skin Brushing

I thoroughly recommend dry skin brushing, not just for a skin smoothing technique but this ancient method lifts and buffs away dead skin cells, as well as encouraging lymph node drainage and increasing circulation.

Dry brushing is definitely a particularly wonderful technique for cellulite and uneven skin texture. The tough, natural bristles of body brushes deeply massage the skin, working to soften any hard fat deposits that may lie below the skin's surface and cause uneven texture.

By encouraging the drainage of your lymph nodes, dry-brushing helps to stimulate the normal lymph flow in your body, detoxifying it naturally, eliminating bacteria and toxins in the blood. By stimulating the lymphatic system it can also aid and strengthen your immune system, promoting your overall health and wellbeing.

The benefits of lymphatic drainage are extensive, mainly in the transport and removal of stagnant fluids, but it also:

  • Stimulates blood circulation and tissue regeneration

  • Directs and increases lymphatic flow, promoting faster removal of excess tissue fluid

  • Reduces swelling and water retention

  • Improves the immune system due to the important elimination of toxins

  • Minimizes the appearance of cellulite by reducing the amount of fluid that presses up against the cross-hatched fibers beneath your skin

Here is a great guide below if you click on the link and a video too by Goop.  Can you start your day with exercise followed by dry skin brushing before your shower and a cold blast at the end?! Have a go and it all starts with going to bed that little bit earlier to get those all important hours in before midnight (so my mother used to always tell me!).

